IoT Transformers podcast

So… I did a thing.

My co-workers, Dani Diaz and Deb Oberly, host a very cool podcast called IoT Transformers. They typically host our Azure IoT customers and partners to talk about how they are transforming their businesses with IoT. It’s a great series full of really useful information about these customer’s and partner’s digital transformation journey.

For this most recent episode, they decided to interview me (“Insights from Busbyland” 🙂 ). As one of the founding members of our IoT Global Black Belt team, we talked about changes I’ve seen in the industry, cool projects, and the IoT-related tech I’m most excited about.

I’ve also created a cool circular reference. The podcast references the blog which references the podcast which references the blog which references the podcast………

Anyway, if you have interest, and want to hear my thoughts on IoT and just how horrible my electronically recorded voice is, how many times I say ‘ummm’, and a little southern drawl, check it out. And don’t forget to go back and give the entire series a listen. You won’t regret it.


Azure Device Provisioning Server over MQTT using x509 Certificates

In a previous post, I showed you how to register a device with Azure’s Device Provisioning Server (DPS) over raw MQTT.  A reader/commenter asked how the process would differ if we used x.509 certificate based authentication vs. the SAS-token based authentication that the article was based on.

Since it’s inevitable that I’ll run across this in a customer situation, I thought I’d tackle it.  Based on the knowledge from the previous article, as well as my article on DPS over the REST APIs, it was pretty straightforward.  The process was nearly identical except for a few fields in the connection information, specifically specifying the iothub root cert, the device cert/key, and leaving off the SAS token.  I’ll cover the details below.

Generating Certs

The steps for generating the device certificates and creating the enrollment in DPS is the same process as outlined in my DPS over REST API article.  Specifically the sections titled “Prep work (aka – how do I generate test certs?)” and “X.509 attestion with individual enrollments- setup”, so I won’t repeat them here…    For the screenshots below, I called my enrollment registration id ‘dpstestdev01’.

The only other thing you need is the IoT Root CA cert.  This is the Baltimore-based root ca cert from which all the IoT Hub and DPS  “server-side” TLS certificates are generated.   The client needs this to validate that it is indeed talking to the genuine microsoft endpoint and not a ‘man in the middle’.   The easiest way to get this cert, is to open this file from the Azure IoT C SDK, copy everything from (and including) line 23 to (and including) line 43, then strip out the quotes at the beginning and end of each line, and strip off the ‘\r\n’ off the ends.  Save the file with a .pem extension.  We will call that the “DPS-root-CA” cert.

Client Setup

You can leverage any MQTT 3.1.1 client to talk to DPS, however, like in previous articles, I’m going to use MQTT.fx, which is an excellent MQTT GUI tool for ‘manually’ doing MQTT.  It allows you to get a really good feel for what’s happening under the covers without writing a bunch of code.

Through a series of screenshots below, I’ll show you my configuration.

The first step is to open Mqtt.Fx, click on the little ‘gear’ button next to the Connect button, and in the bottom right, click on the “+” button to create a new connection.   You can call it anything (I called mine ‘dpscert’ in the screenshots below)


This screenshot shows the ‘general’ settings…

  • The type is MQTT Broker
  • The broker address is the global DPS endpoint (
  • The port is the MQTTS (tls) port 8883
  • The client ID is the ‘registration id’ from DPS, specifically in this instance is the CN/Subject name you used for your device cert when you generated it
  • the only other change from the defaults is to explicitly choose MQTT version 3.1.1


This screenshot shows the user credentials.   For DPS, the user-id is of the form of:


where {idScope} is the idScope of your DPS instance.

Note that, unlike the SAS-Token case, the password is BLANK for x.509 authentication.


This screenshot is the most important one and the biggest difference from the SAS-Token case.

  • Make sure you explicitly select TLS version 1.2 (we don’t support older versions)
  • in our use case, we are using self-signed certificates, so choose that option
  • For the “CA files”, this the DPS-root-CA cert we captured from github earlier.  (the baltimore root cert)
  • For the Client Certificate file, this is the device certificate we created earlier
  • For the Client Key file, this is the private key for the device cert that we generated earlier.
  • Make sure and check the “PEM formatted” checkbox, as that’s the format our certs are in.

All the other tabs are just left default.

Click Ok to close this dialog.  Click the “Connect” button to connect to DPS.

From this point on, you subscribe and publish exactly like you did in the previous article and/or as specified in the official DPS documentation here.

Enjoy – and as always, let me know if you run into any issue.  Hit me up on Twitter (@BamaSteveB), email (steve.busby ( at ) or in the comments below.

Azure IoT Device Provisioning Service (DPS) over MQTT

Continuing the theme of “doing things on Azure IoT without using our SDKs”, this article describes how to provision IOT devices with Azure IoT’s Device Provisioning Service over raw MQTT.

Previously, I wrote an article that describes how to leverage Azure IoT’s Device Provisioning Service over its REST API, as well as an article about connecting to IoT Hub/Edge over raw MQTT.  Where possible, I do recommend using our SDKs, as they provide a nice abstraction layer over the supported transport protocols and frees you from all that protocol-level detailed work.  However, we understand there are times and reasons where it’s just a better fit to do things over the raw protocols.

To support this, the Azure IoT DPS engineering team has documented the necessary technical details to register your device via MQTT.   This document may provide enough details for you to figure out how to do it, but since I needed to test it for a customer anyway, I thought I’d capture a real-world example in hopes it can help others.

To make the scenario simpler, I chose to just use symmetric key attestation, but this would still work with any of the attestation methods supported by DPS.

Create individual enrollment

The first step is to create the enrollment in DPS.  In the Azure portal, in your DPS instance, from the ‘overview’ tab, grab your Scope ID from the upper right of the ‘overview’ tab as shown below (I’ve blacked out part of my details, for obvious reasons)


Once you have that, copy it somewhere like notepad or equivalent, we’ll use it later.  Once we have that, we can create our enrollment.  On the left nav, click on “Manage Enrollments” and then “Add Individual Enrollment”.  For “Mechanism”, choose Symmetric Key, enter a registration ID of your choosing (for the example further below, I used ‘my-mqtt-dev01’)


Click Save.  Then drill back into your enrollment in the portal and copy the “Primary Key”  and save it for later use.

Generate SAS token

Once you’ve created the enrollment and gotten the device key, we need to generate a SAS token for authentication to the DPS service.  A description of the SAS token, and several code samples for generating one in various languages can be found here.  Some of the inputs (discussed below) will be different for DPS versus IoT Hub, but the basic structure of the SAS token is the same.

For my purposes, I used this python code to generate mine:


from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from hashlib import sha256
from time import time
from urllib import quote_plus, urlencode
from hmac import HMAC

def generate_sas_token(uri, key, policy_name, expiry=3600000000):
ttl = time() + expiry
sign_key = “%s\n%d” % ((quote_plus(uri)), int(ttl))
signature = b64encode(HMAC(b64decode(key), sign_key, sha256).digest())

rawtoken = {
‘sr’ :  uri,
‘sig’: signature,
‘se’ : str(int(ttl))

if policy_name is not None:
rawtoken[‘skn’] = policy_name

return ‘SharedAccessSignature ‘ + urlencode(rawtoken)

uri = ‘[dps URI]’
key = ‘[device key]’
expiry = [SAS token duration]

print(generate_sas_token(uri, key, policy, expiry))



  • [dps URI] is of the form [DPS scope id]/registrations/[registration id]
  • [device key] is the primary key you saved earlier
  • [SAS token duration] is the number of seconds you want the token to be valid for
  • policy is required to be ‘registration’ for DPS SAS tokens

running this code will give you a SAS token that looks something like this (changing a few random characters to protect my DPS):

SharedAccessSignature sr=0ne00055505%2Fregistrations%2Fmy-mqtt-dev01&skn=registration&sig=gMpllKo7qS1VR31vyfsT6JAcc4%2BHIu2gQSyai0Uz0KM%3D&se=1579698526

Now that we have our authentication credentials, we are ready to make our MQTT call.

Example call

The documentation does a decent job of showing the MQTT parameters and flow (read it first!), so I’m not going to repeat that here.  What I will show is an example call with screenshots to ‘make it real’.   For my testing, I used mqtt.fx, which is a pretty nice little interactive MQTT test client.

Once you download and install it,  click on the little lightning bolt to switch from localhost to allow you to create a new connection to an MQTT server.


After that, click on the settings symbol next to the edit box to open the settings dialog that lets you edit the various connection profiles:


On the “Edit Connection Profiles” dialog, in the very bottom left hand corner, click the “+” symbol to create a new connection profile.

Give your connection a name and choose MQTT Broker as the Profile Type


Enter the following settings in the top half of the dialog:

  • for “Broker Address”, use ‘’
  • for “Broker Port”, use “8883”
  • for Client ID, enter your registration ID you used in the portal for your device

Click on the General ‘tab’ at the bottom.  As in the screenshot above, for MQTT Version, uncheck the “Use Default” button and explicitly choose version 3.1.1.  Leave other settings on this tab alone.

click on the “User Credentials” tab’

  • for “User Name”, enter [DPS Scope Id]/registrations/[registration id]/api-version=2019-03-31  (replacing the scope id and registration id with your values)
  • for “Password”, copy/paste in your SAS token you generated earlier


Move to the SSL/TLS tab.   Check the box for “Enable SSL/TLS” and make sure that TLSv1.2 is chosen as the protocol


leave the proxy and LWT tabs alone.

Click Ok to save the settings and return to the main screen

Click on the Connect button and you should get a successful connection (you can verify by looking at the “log” tab)

Once connected, navigate to the “Subscribe” tab.  We will set up a subscription on the dps ‘response’ MQTT topic to receive responses to our registration attempts from DPS.  On the “Subscribe” tab, enter ‘$dps/registrations/res/#’ into the subscriptions box, choose “QoS1” from the buttons on the right, and click “Subscribe”.  You should see an active subscription get set up and waiting on responses.


Click back over on the “Publish” tab and we will make our registration attempt.  In the publish edit box, enter $dps/registrations/PUT/iotdps-register/?$rid={request_id}

replace {request_id} with an integer of your choosing (1 is fine to start with).  This lets us correlate requests with responses when we get responses back from the service.  For example, I entered:


in the big edit box beneath the publish edit box, we need to enter a ‘payload’ for the request.  For DPS registration requests, the payload takes the form of a JSON document like this:  {“registrationId”:”<registration id>”}

for example, for my sample it’s:

{“registrationId”: “my-mqtt-dev01”}


Hit the “Publish button”

Flip back over to the Subscribe tab and you should see on the right hand side of the screen that we’ve received a response from DPS.  You should see something like this:


This indicates that DPS is in the process of ‘assigning’ and registering our device to an IoT Hub.  This is a potentially long running operation, so to get the status of it, we have to query for that status.  To do that, we are going to publish another MQTT message to check on the status.  For that, we need the ‘operationId’ from the message we just received.  In the screenshot above, mine looks like this:


Copy that ID as we’ll use it in the next step.

To check on the status of the operation, switch back over to the Publish tab and replace the values in the publish edit box with this


replacing {request_id} with a new request id (2 in my case) and the {operationId} with the operationId you just copied. For example, with my sample values and the response received above, my request looks like this:


Delete the JSON in the payload box and click “publish”

Switch back over to the Subscribe tab and you should notice that you’ve received a response to your operational status query, similar to this:


Notice the status of “assigned”, as well as details like “assignedHub” that gives the state of the successful registration and connection details.

If you navigate back over to the azure portal and look at the enrollment record for your device (refresh the page.. you may have to exit and re-enter), you should see something like this:


This indicates that our DPS registration was successful.

In the “real world”, in your application, you’ll make the registration attempt and then poll the operational status until it gets to the state of ‘assigned’.  There will be intermediate states while it is being assigned, but doing this manually through a GUI, I’m not fast enough to catch them Smile

Enjoy – and let me know in the comments if you have any questions or issues.