The Azure IoT Global Blackbelts (my team) maintain a set of hands-on labs for IoT Edge. They were originally written for some in-person workshops for customers that we did in February/March, but have proven to be valuable for people to do on their own as well. We have one version for Windows (with actual hardware) and one version with Linux (virtual machine in Azure).
After some delay due primarily to busy schedules and lots of customer work (IoT Edge is on fire!), I finally got a chance to update the “Linux” lab to a) be compatible with the Generally Available bits of IoT Edge and b) to leverage the Azure Cloud CLI for provisioning of the IoT Hub, Edge Device, monitoring IoT Hub, etc to cut down on all the clicking around!
The Linux lab is based on leveraging an Ubuntu VM in Azure with the specific purpose of you not having to install anything on your local machine except maybe an SSH client. This allows students who may be in a locked down situation on their work machines to still get to experiment with Edge.
The labs can be found here -> IoT Edge Linux HOLs
Over the next few weeks, I’ll be revising the Windows version, and also working on a version for the Raspberry Pi.